Friday, May 29, 2009

Showy evening primrose

This is Oenothera speciosa, the showy evening primose. It's growing wild here in the flood plain of White River in Indianapolis. These pictures were taken at White River State Park between Washington and Michigan Streets, May 23, 2009. This has been growing here for several years. It's not native to Indiana, my guess is that someone scattered a can of wildflower seeds here years ago and the Oenothera speciosa took over. If you plant it in your garden you are going to have it next year whether you want it or not. You can find it in a few other places in Indy, but this is by far the best display I know of.

Link to Oenothera speciosa:

Link to Oenothera speciosa:

Oenothera speciosa covers the flood plain here at White River State Park, looking southeast toward Old Washington Street bridge.

This is the same common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) that grows everywhere in Indiana. Behind it is more of the Oenothera speciosa that are shown in the above pictures. Oenothera biennis often starts showing early the red colors that other plants reveal to us in autumn. Picture taken May 23, 2009.

Link to Oenothera biennis:

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