These grape hyacinths (Muscari) have been coming up here for many years. Along State Street, just up the hill a little bit from Triple XXX. Picture taken March 29, 2010.
This sycamore tree (Platanus occidentalis) stands in front of Plump's Last Shot in Broad Ripple. In the backyard is a tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera). It doesn't get any more Hoosier than this. This picture was taken from the vantage point of the Monon Trail, which is a good way to get to Broad Ripple. The old Monon Railroad depot is just south of this spot. Picture taken March 7, 2010.
There is a row of Daphne shrubs in front of St. Thomas Aquinas church across from the Purdue campus, they are flowering now. This is right along the State St. sidewalk, you can smell them as you go by. Pictures taken March 23, 2010.
The pedestrian bridge provides a platform to observe the tall trees of Tapawingo Park. The flowering twigs of this silver maple tree (Acer saccharinum) was right next to the deck of the bridge. This twig is almost all pistillate flowers except for one staminate flower.
This twig shows almost all staminate flowers, a very few pistillate flowers. The Wabash River is in the background.
This twig shows about half pistillate and half staminate flowers.
View of the Wabash River at Mascouten Park, West Lafayette. The river is at a minor flood stage and the boat ramp is underwater. The big tree at the river's edge is a silver maple (Acer saccharinum) and these trees are flowering now. Pictures taken March 14, 2010.
This is winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis). One of the earliest plants to flower, you can find this at Hort Park just west of Purdue campus. From the McCormick Road entrance, walk west along the trail and you will encounter patches of these flowers. Pictures taken March 10, 2010,
The witch hazel shrubs are flowering. This is in Hort Park at Purdue. The first two pictures are of a shrub close to the pussy willow pictured in the previous post. There is a witch hazel that is native to Indiana (Hamamelis virginiana), but this is probably a commercial hybrid Hamamelis planted here long ago. The native Hamamelis virginiana that you might find in the woodland understory has yellow flowers, and flowers in the fall.
This is another witch hazel shrub in Hort Park, you can find it a few steps east of the first one pictured. Note the difference in flower color.
Pussy willow is starting to flower. This is at Hort Park just west of Purdue campus. I will guess that it is the native pussy willow, Salix discolor, although as far as I know one of the European species of pussy willow could have been planted there long ago.
Notice the low wet ground just beyond the pussy willow. It's possible that this willow wasn't intentionally planted but was here when Hort Park was started. The habitat of Salix discolor is just this kind of wet area. Pictures taken March 12, 2010.
Sandhill cranes have been flying over Lafayette today, migrating north. They have been visible overhead since at least last Thursday. You can hear their rattling call as they fly far above.
The sap is flowing in the maple trees in this area. This is a sugar maple tree (Acer saccharum) in Scifres-Maier woods in Celery Bog Park in West Lafayette. A hole was bored in the tree trunk in a previous season and the sap is flowing out of it again. This is a few steps away from the woods entrance. Picture taken March 4, 2010.